Sunday, September 20, 2015

GOD MODE in windows

How to Use God Mode in Windows 7

Windows 7 is now becoming popular among windows operating system  users.Windows 7 has cool hidden feature ,people calls it godmode in windows 7.GodMode is a folder that brings together a long list of customization settings allowing you to change all your settings from one place.This is very good as you can now change all your windows settings from one single place.

Follow the following steps to create god mode folder:
1. Create a new folder
2. Rename the folder to GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

"You can change name GodMode to any other word you like ANYTHING({ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C})"

3.The folder icon will change ,then  double click it to show the GodMode windows options.

That Folder Contains Action Center,Network Configurations,Keybaord-Mouse Management,Device,Display,Homegroup,Bitlocker,Gadgets, in short everything.,

Browse Forum Without Logging

Visit any forum or website to find something useful and they will ask you to register.
All websites and forums will block unregistered users, but they won’t block Google Bot(spider). What we will do is to switch our User Agent to that of Google Bot and freely browse any website or forum without registering.
First grab the User Agent Switcher add-on for Firefox called ‘user agent’ and install it.
Now go to Tools > User Agent Switcher > Options and then again to Options.

Select User Agent from the left sidebar and click Add. Now in the description field type:
and in user agent field type:
Googlebot/2.1 (+
as shown in the screenshot below.

Select Google Bot as your User Script by going to Tools > User Agent Switcher.

Now you can browse website or forum without registering.

Unable to Open COS.OBJ File In C

Linker Error:Unable to open File COS.OBJ

This error is also due to the incorrect path of Library Directories. Default path for library is “C:/TC/LIB”. But if you are not installed Turbo C on another location or if you moved the installed TC folder to another, then you have two choices to correct the path. One is move your installed TC folder to you C drive without making a new folder. or change the path of library directory to path of your (installed) library folder (Example: D:/Software/Turbo C/ TC/LIB). Be ensure the LIB folder contains all library files like ‘COS.OBJ’, ‘COT.OBJ’ etc.For set path Follow Steps:
1.Open Turbo c.
2.GoTo Options.
3.Click on Directeries.

Unable to open include files 'IOSTREAM.H'

In Library Directories set the Default path'C:/TC/LIB' or your location(may be not same in all pc, so first you need to check) where LIB folder is located.

Unable to open include files 'C0T.OBJ'

Remove Write Protection Of USB Drive

1.Using CMD

when your USB drive plugged in, launch a command prompt. By searching  cmd.exe in the Start menu .You may need to run Cmd.exe with administrator privileges if you see an “access is denied” message.
In CMD follow This Commands:
list disk
>select disk n (n is the number of your USB  drive)
attributes disk clear readonly
create partition primary
format fs=fat32  (you can swap fat32 for ntfs if use the drive with Windows)

2.Using Registry

>run Regedit.exe

Navigate to the following key:
Double-click on the WriteProtect value in the right-hand pane of Regedit.exe. Change the Value data from 1 to 0 and click OK to save the change. Close Regedit and restart your computer. Connect your USB drive again, and you should find it is no longer write protected. If you can’t find StorageDevicePolicies, you can try creating a key by right-clicking in the white space in the Control folder and choosing New -> Key and carefully entering the name.Now double-click on the new key (folder) and right-click once again and choose New -> DWORD. Name it WriteProtect and set its value to 0. Click OK, exit Regedit and reboot your computer.